Saturday, June 14, 2008


So. In place of our postponed hike in Chilliwack - Robbie and I decided we should go for a bike ride. Our first choice would have been to head out on road bikes, but due to some needed repairs, we opted to trek out on our BMX's. We started in West Van after taking my mom the truck so she could get home after shopping. We went from Park Royal, over the Lions Gate, around the Sea Wall, through English Bay, over to Kits - down to Jericho Beach... after a quick stop to see Lou at work, we made our way home. All in all, a GREAT ride. A little tough on BMX's, but thats alright! Close to 36km's in total! And our ride home from Kits only took an hour and a half, including a stop for a burrito at budgies. Good times! A challenge though for sure! Next ride, we want to hit 50 clicks... and by the end of the summer, we're hoping to have tackled a 100km ride!

In other news, our rental car is booked for our trip to California in July. Matt, Robbie, Taylor and I - 10 day road trip - can't wait! Now we've just got to plan out what we want to see and accomplish on the trip! I've seen my fair share of California, but not really had a chance to see it with those guys, and also not been there off tour in a while. July is going to be an incredible month! And Lou is going to come with me to Ashlee's wedding earlier in July, which is pretty awesome as well. Robbie and Matt will be there for the wedding too even.

I'm feeling like I should paint something. Strange because I've never painted anything before. Cody has some paints and some canvases laying around at his place. We're going to paint some stuff soon. It's going to be rad!

Also - Cody finished the Broadway Calls kit. It looks incredible! Go peep that shit!