Sunday, November 15, 2009


So the first part of my world tour is coming to an end fairly soon. We will be back in Canada after a short stop in Singapore - before moving on to the UK and Europe after christmas.

I have yet to post anything on here, partially due to lack of time and accessability... but mostly because I didn't want to spend too much time writing about my adventures, leaving more time to get into new ones.

I have uploaded a few of my photos, but I don't have any of the right programs to really go to work on them all... nor can I really do much touching up.

I tried hard on this trip to capture real moments, more than the ever so cliche 'tourist' ones - therefor, rarely are Lou and I in the pictures. I just kind of walked around snapping anything that seemed interesting...

(Monkey business - Kyoto, Japan)

(On of many deer in Nara, Japan)

(Workin' hard - Chiang Mai, Thailand)

(Dancing...maybe - Nara, Japan)

(Old car - Middle of Nowhere, Australia)

(Angkor Thom - Siem Reap, Cambodia)