Thursday, January 1, 2009


I can honestly say that this past year has been on of the most productive of my life.

This last year began with a desire to better myself. I had spent a few months off tour, and began to realize that the person I felt myself becoming really wasn't the person that I felt I am meant to be. Upon this realization - I began to make some changes.

Last years resolutions revolved mostly around my physical and mental health. Not that they were suffering - but I think after so many years in pursuit of musical stardom, I realized that I had developed a habit of focusing all my energy on the destination, and had forgotten how to take care of myself during the journey. I decided to erase meat from my diet completely - and I feel that the transition from 'pesceterianism' did me well. I stopped drinking alcohol, for the most part anyway. As of this moment, I haven't been 'drunk' in 368 days, and have gone 9 months without a drink. Not that I denounce it's consumption really.. I just think that in the interest of self discovery, it makes more sense to discover while in a pure and un-altered state of mind. Since this last year has been all about my desire to really figure out who I am exactly, and where I want to go in life - it was a choice that just made sense. Lastly, I began last year with hopes to become more physically fit. While I made good efforts, I think this one will carry over into 2009...

And with those high hopes of self discovery, came the unexpected addition of a wonderful girl to my life. A girl that has not only helped me dig deeper into myself, but has shown me what it truly means to be happy and balanced with another person. While I had spent much of my time looking back on past love with the regret that I had lost it - I can now look back with a new appreciation for everything that this love taught me about who I am, and all that she did to help shape me - for, today, as I am now, I look forward to opportunities that wouldn't lie ahead if it weren't for the path that our break-up sent me stumbling down. And more than that, I stand in front of these opportunities hand in hand with someone new, who's path in life seems to trace my own path exactly - for as far as we can see anyway...

I think I kind of lost myself in 2007. And after some time to reflect, 2008 seems to have been very much about transition for me. And all of this time in transition has brought me to today - where I sit and type as a very different person that I was the same time last year... I am happier now. Healthier. More confident. I am more organized and less cluttered. I am optimistic. I work harder. I spend less and save more. I laugh harder. And I love with all of my heart.

I am ready for 2009. I know who I am now and I am ready to become that person even more. I am ready to experience - and to focus on the journey, with no real destination in mind. I am ready to appreciate the things that I once failed to notice.

This past year taught me that good really does get better...and I will start this year eager to discover what exactly it is that better gets...