Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a month in review...

When you look into the mirror...what do you see?
The reality is that we look into the mirror numerous times each day. The question we pay any attention to exactly what it is we are looking at?
More importantly - do we understand WHO it is that is staring back at us?
I looked into the mirror tonight and realised that the person staring back at me is someone so incredibly different than the person whom would have been staring back as little as a year ago...

I am proud of that.

I feel that I have progressed so much as a human being in the last 10 months that it is almost hard to comprehend. I look different. I act different. I feel different. I am different - all in the best of ways.

I set out to makes some changes. Though, when I set out, I didn't quite know what changes those would be exactly. Changes to my lifestyle have given way to changes to my diet and overall health. These modifications to my diet and overall health have given way for changes to the way I think. And changing the way I think has had an immense effect on my personality. I have, in some way or another, created a cycle of optimism and positivity that feeds off itself.

My life is amazing.

It would be much too daunting a task to re-cap everything of significance since my last post. And touching quickly on the fact that it has been exactly 36 days since that particular post - I have learned something quite important. When I set out with this blog, my intention was to force myself to update daily. I suppose my logic was that a daily post would ensure that I was pushing myself each day towards a new experience. I think that sometimes, when you just let go a little, life can kind of whisk you away for a while - and if or when this happens, you must let it whisk away. You cannot ask it to hold on, while you share stories of the whisk. Nor can you ask it to slow its pace you can take it all in. You just let it whisk. And, if everything goes well, you sit down afterwards and reflect a little (or a lot). I think now that I understand this I won't need to strive for a daily update. Perhaps just when I feel the need (though, for the sake of consistency, I will try for once a week as best as I am able).

The last month of my life has definately been one of those 'whisks'. And I think a blog of written reflection based around the last month of my life might actually take the NEXT month of my life for me to write - but I'll do what I can.

In the last month: I climed a mountain. I fell down that mountain. I painted a picture. I became a brother in-law. I gave a speech. I said I love you. I went on a road trip. I surfed. I laughed. I bonded. I learned. I saved and I spent. I worked. I relaxed. I made a list. And I flew a kite.
I took pictures too...