Friday, May 30, 2008

Rain City Custom Drums!

So. I've been letting my blogging responsibilities slide. I will do better from now on, I promise.
I guess staying out until 4am with a certain pretty girl has kept me away from other things, but she's more than worth the lack of sleep!

Anyway. I have a creative endeavor to share! My very good friend Cody Beer has started up a custom drum company. I think this is exactly what he needs. I think it may be his calling, and I am extremely excited to see the places that he takes this whole thing! I put together a little logo for them, and was quite pleased that all persons involved loved it. So much in fact that you may soon see it on kick drums across the world!

This shit is going to be huge. I can feel it!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Chief!

So we hiked The Chief in Squamish today. It was a pretty tough hike, but it wasn't as long as I had expected. The view from the top was incredible - I recommend going if you have the opportunity. Robbie and I decided to run our way back down from the top. The trip up took just over an hour... Our run down took us about 20 minutes. My legs hurt. I swear, the more I do this working out/active living thing, the better I feel. I can honestly say that I'm in the best shape of my life right now and it feels amazing!

Here are some pictures fools!

Good really does get better...

Lately, I have been really trying to appreciate the little things in life. Those wonderful simplicities that are easy to overlook, but the ones that, when you take the time to appreciate them, they make you feel amazing. So yesterday, I took a nap in the park. Like Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn would have most certainly done, I found comfort in the shade of a tree, and got some rest. I tend to feel on weekends like I should spend all of my time doing something. Yesterday, I took just a little bit of time to do nothing at all. 

This weekend has been great. Lou and I are hanging out more and more, and while I am doing my best to take all of this as slow as possible, I cannot help but feel that this could really end up being something great. As scary as it is, being that her home is on the other side of the world, I can't find a reason to not let this play out as it will. My friends seem to like her. My family likes her. She's perfect! And she's gorgeous to boot! Hiking in the Lynn Canyon was the best idea I've had all year.

Moving on...

For the last 624 days of my life I have kept a picture in my wallet. This picture was a reminder of the time when I last felt that life couldn't get better. It was of a girl, who at a time, I felt I would be with forever. I was almost certain of this. But then everything changed... She broke my heart... not because she wanted to do so, but because it had to be done. 

Today, I took that picture out of my wallet. Not because I am ready to forget, but because I am finally ready to move on.

It's about time I'd say.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Good energy = Good times

This week has been pretty incredible. I can't lie.

While my intention is not to make this a space for me to gush, I think that I must recognize how good I have been feeling lately. It is becoming more and more evident to me that positive thinking and physical well being both relate directly to a positive and healthy reality. I'm realizing that doing something as simple as focus on positive energy all the time tends to create a positive energy about you - and this really does affect everyone you come in contact with. But now I'm starting to sound like some sort of spiritual health guru, which I am not. I have taken the last few days off from really challenging myself in a specific sense however. Or, I suppose the challenges haven't stopped, I've just been too busy to reflect upon them. Which still goes again this blog's purpose in more ways than one. I don't think a recap of this weeks happenings will do much for anyone but myself as well. SO. I take this as a lesson and a push to pick it back up again.

(It's kind of funny how I tend to write this as if I am writing to an audience... When really, I don't make a large effort to see that anyone reads it...)

Here is an interesting idea though, that I think goes hand in hand with a lot of the goals behind me doing this whole blog deal. Each night when you go to sleep, take a minute to recap your entire day, making a mental (or physical) list of everything good that happened to you. They can be a simple or as grandiose as you wish, just make a list, and make it positive. Try it!

I also hope to fill tomorrow with new experiences. As many as I can. Expect a barrage of blogging action soon. It's definitely on it's way.

To cap this one off. Here is today's list (even though it is now 4:29am):

- I was on time for work this morning.
- Everyone at work was in a good mood today, which made for a pretty good day at work.
- I got to see my sister on my break today (which was rad because I don't see her often enough)
- The night at work went smoothly - clean up was quick and good.
- Went on my 2nd date with Lou tonight and had an amazing time.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

I've just seen a face...

Life. is. beautiful.

I am stoked.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

first date.....maybe?

So. I didn't post anything yesterday.

Working for 12 hours straight after having the weekend off is challenging enough for me however - so we will call it even.

I'm not sure that I even had a particular 'new' challenge today even. I did ride on my bike twice today though. Half an hour on my break from work, and half an hour after I got home. Being active is becoming more and more addictive it seems - which is a good thing, considering I would like to keep the activity up in lieu of being messy and out of shape. Feeling like shit sucks!

I have been in an incredible mood...since Saturday I suppose. It's funny how sometimes, certain social situations can cause you to act unlike your usual self. As shy as I tend to be, I managed to meet a really rad girl, and get her number no less, all while on a hike with Cody. After a night at the beach with her, Justin, Cody, and Dani, I am more than excited to see her again. I don't want to jump the gun here of anything, but you know how you get that feeling about someone sometimes? Well, I've had it once before...and I think I might be getting it once again. I guess I'll have to just wait and see!

I'm taking her to see Coheed & Cambria at the Commodore tomorrow night. Stoked! This is one of those night where I want to go to sleep just so tomorrow comes faster! Off I go!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tour Jumping Pictures!

I have been waiting for these for some time! Thank you Harris!

So - This blog is a challenge to share with you an experience. One that means more to me than I might be able to put into words. Therein lies the challenge of it all.

On the U.S. tour Lights Below did - we crossed paths with one of our favorite Canadian bands: Moneen. We had played with Moneen once before. Our 2nd or 3rd show after Taylor joined the band. Our 5th show (maybe) as a band. Our first time playing out of town (the show as in Kelowna). This was monumental for us. It was our first 'big' show. Our first time playing along side a band that had recognition. Our first time playing with a band that we all had come to like, not ever thinking that we would get an opportunity to play along side them.

Fast forward 4 years. We are in Long Beach, California. We are staying with a girl named Sarah, who also houses a band named Damiera on our second night with her. Damiera not only is signed to one of our favorite record labels, but just so happens to be touring the U.S. with Moneen.

Rad dudes. Good times. We depart. That was that.

Now, weeks later in Austin, Texas it just so happens that Moneen and Damiera are playing in Austin as well, on the same night, around the corner from the venue we are playing. We cross paths a second time, and hit it off. We spend the night haning out, they all come watch our show, we have drinks. Relationships being to form... In our talking, we find that our tours will cross paths once again. A week later, after the wonderful boys in Moneen pull some strings for us, we are opening for them in Augusta, Georgia.

This is where I get serious. That night was amazing for me. A bit of a speech was made by Kenny, Moneen's singer, about our band. About our ambition. About our willingness to say fuck it all. Fuck managers, fuck labels...or the lack thereof I suppose. We were out there, on our own, touring North America. We built ourselves an empire, as small as it was. But it was ours, and nobody else's. We then joined them in singing one of their songs.

This may not sound all that exciting. But for me, being that far from home, that far from comfort and familiarity, for that night, I felt at home somehow. I felt like I was EXACTLY where I was meant to be in life. For those moments, nothing else existed to me. It was perfect. Everything was perfect.

If you have ever had a moment where you have no doubt in your mind that you are in the right place; When somehow, everything in your existence comes into balance; When everything just feels as it should be. You cannot help be feel overwhelmed. That is how I felt, for only the 2nd time in my life. I realized that night that doing what makes you truly happy is the only way to go through life. Follow your dreams. Take chances. They will pay off as long as you see your endeavors through. I hope that everyone in this would gets the chance to feel this way someday. It truly is one of the greatest emotions I have had the pleasure of feeling.

As fate would have it, we would join Moneen and Damiera yet again, weeks later in Dewey, Illinois, for the last show of their tour. A tradition carried on tour after tour by Moneen is to take pictures of each person in all of the bands 'jumping' following the tours final show. It can be as simple or complicated as you wish, you just have to jump. Enjoy the creations that the night brought forth. We jumped our asses off. Peace out.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Today was great!

I think I can say that today was the best day I have had in a long while. Cody and I went on a great hike. 6 hours. 15.5 kilometers. A 714 meter elevation gain. 921 meters at the highest peak. AWESOME! We also made some new friends at the top of the mountain - who joined us at the beach tonight! Sometimes, the way things happen is too strange to describe with words. The circumstances that can bring people together, or create a meeting of strangers - I just can't do it justice in this blog. Though if the words have strike me, I'll be sure to update this. For now, enjoy some pictures!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Good Friends.

So, I guess this one is a make up post for the one I missed yesterday.

Friday wasn't a bad day, side from being pretty sick... I had to wake up extra early to help my dad with somethings, so I hit the bike for a while before work. I really woke me up! Made for a much easier start to my work day...

The show we played last night was a bit of a joke. Cody did well on drums however, given the amount of time he had to learn our songs and get it all together. Keenan and I took our pants off in an effort to 'out naked' Dan Ball and Acres Of Lions. We took each others pants off actually...while playing. I didn't feel like the show was a great representation of our band and music in the end, but I don't think that the show itself was a very good representation of a 'show' either. I think I've grown very tired of what most people feel being in a band is about. It is a little trying when you have no choice but to associate with a large amount of people whom, when it comes down to it, have no real idea who you are or what you stand for, nor do they really have the desire to find these things out.

Last night was an exception however. We played with Acres Of Lions - Jeff and Dan's new band - who are all equal in sincerity and all around sweetness. We met Jeff and Dan for the first time 4 years ago or so, in Revelstoke B.C. Their band was, at that time, called Destined For Nothing, and they played a mean Taking Back Sunday cover if memory serves... The show that night was more of a joke than the show last night, and the party to follow was equally ridiculous; but the friendship that formed that night has brought all of us back together over and over again over the years.

After 4 years of constant touring, and trips taking us from BC, to Nova Scotia, to California, Texas, New York, and everywhere in between - I can literally count the number of 'good' friends I have made on two hands. Jeff and Dan do, and will always be two of those raised fingers. The things we have done mean nothing, and bragging rights don't exist when we are with those guys. They make music for the same reason we have always made music... because it is fun. I heard Keenan say that the highlight of last night for him was hanging out in the park, playing catch, and sippin' on pil's for those who were so inclined. It really was though. The show was fun, don't get me wrong. But there is an amount of obligation when you are playing a show to be one of those guys in that band. The obligation doesn't capture me like it once did, but it doesn't ever really go away. The things I will catch myself saying to people make me laugh sometimes. I am playing the game, regardless of my wishes not to do so. I think that the fact that I can recognize this must count for something though. I just know that when I spend time with people like Jeff and Dan, and when I am with the rest of my band and everyone is in good spirits, that the idea of giving it all up scares me a lot more than it does at other times. I think that topic would be a blog of it's own however.

I've strayed a little from my point though. So back on track we go. What I wanted to conclude was that nothing can tarnish a genuine connection between people. Not time, not disagreement, not anything. When we see Dan and Jeff, there is no bullshit. It is just good times. A year could pass before we see them again (though their relocation to Victoria makes our meetings ever more frequent) - but when we do see them, everything feels the same. We have created a friendship with them based around our most honest and unfeigned selves, and the way I see it, the person who you 'really' are never changes, you just spend life coming into yourself even more. Much the same as Matt's trip to Australia - after a year - our reunion was anything but exciting. In a good way though. He had done some cool stuff, I had done some cool stuff, and a year had passed. But as soon as he arrived back home, everything went back to normal. Stories we shared of course, but, Matt and I are the same person in a lot of ways, and I think we spent that year becoming ourselves even more. After he got back, there was really nothing to do but pick up where we left off, like we didn't even skip a beat. And...I guess we didn't.

In summary. I challanged myself to a pre-work bike ride. Felt great. I also have recognized a lot about genuine friendship. I think it is important to think about from time to time. We must always reflect upon ourselves and our relationships, taking note of which ones need work, which ones can be set aside, and which ones need preservation. Those that need work, must be tended to. Those that can be set aside, should be set aside, though perhaps not forgotten. And those that need preservation have already found it through the genuine connection between two souls. In their sincerity, they will preserve themselves.

Now, I'm off to go hiking with Cody Beer. Guess what my next post will be about?

Friday, May 16, 2008

I have a hernia...

I've had a hectic day. My mind is currently numb. However, saying such things goes again the point and purpose of this blog page of mine now doesn't it.

I want to opt out of anything too involved of deep for tonight - but before I call it a night, I just wanted to touch on something quickly.

Does anyone notice that things always seem to work out as they should?

I've always felt this. Always. Whether the dilemma at hand is a big one, or a minor one, things will just work themselves out if you allow them to.

I have had found far too many times in my life that when things seem to be headed toward disaster, or even a fate much less disastrous, lets say things are just headed towards inconvenience. If you don't try too hard to force a certain outcome, things will just work out. It always seems to happen.

And I suppose it may take some time to realize this, in certain instances...

I also realize that this position on life may be due largely in part to my positive and optimistic outlook on everything. But for real, try it out. Just live your life each day like things will work out for you. And they will!

Today it was minor things that focused my thoughts around this subject. And I also found out that I DO in fact have a hernia - so I am wondering now why my overall mood at the end of the day is a good one. I'm not sure I can answer that though. I just know that things feel like they are right where they should be today, all annoyances and health issues aside.

But, the nyquil is telling me that it is time to sleep. I must succumb.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's been a long time now since I've seen you smile...

Ride number two today! Another hour. I may consider cutting back my original goal of an hour a day however. My mom talked to me about a better schedule that spends a little more time working my way up to longer more frequent rides. My sore ass and left knee like that idea. My dad also got me proper pedal clips and shoes so I can clip into that bad boy. He's also going to adjust everything tomorrow so its set-up better for my height and what not. Stoked!

So tonight I worked on a little photo project that I had been meaning to complete since last spring.

While on tour in....I don't even remember where we were actually. We stopped at a gas station/rest stop just as the sunset was coming to a close. We took a little time to hang out. I don't know where it was - and to be honest, I don't really remember how I was feeling that night. I am fairly certain that I was feeling reflective though. I pulled out my camera and starting taking shots while I turned slightly each time - trying to put together a makeshift panorama of sorts I suppose. Anyway, I never took the time to piece all the pictures together...until tonight.

It's nothing too exciting - but it does a lot to bring back memories of life on the road. My feelings about life on the road are another matter... though they neither favor, nor denounce it...

On a completely different note - go listen to/download 'Nantes' by a band called Beirut. I just discovered this band tonight, by the advice of a close friend - this song makes me want to ride trains all around Europe...right now.

I think I'll just leave it at that.

Tonight We Ride!

Since New Years, I have been on a bit of mission to get myself back into shape. After having to stop playing sports due to a problem with my hips, I didn't really do much to compensate for the lack of physical activity. That makes almost 10 years of laziness now. About time for a change I'd say.

My biggest set back is the fact that I don't really have a lot of time outside of work during the week to do anything at all, let alone go to the gym or do some other form of activity. So the other night I had my dad set up one of his bikes on a trainer in my room. Basically, it turns a road bike into a stationary exercise bike. No excuses now!

I did my first ride tonight. 1 Hour. My resolution as of today...ride for one hour each day. I may try getting up early tomorrow morning to ride before work. I figure I'll settle into some sort of routine, riding before work some days, and after work on others.

My mom always tried to push me to be more active. I didn't ever make too much effort though. Last week, she ran in the Vancouver Marathon...42km's. 5 Hours 3 minutes of running. Needless to say, I'm inspired. My days as the messy fat kid are over!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

expand your mind...

Today was busy - but I made some time to dig up some interesting reading material.

One site in particular...

This is a site dedicated to what they call "The Ten Big Questions" - They tackle everything from the big bang theory, to the meaning of life, to the possibility of the existence of extra terrestrial life, and more. Definitely some interesting ideas to explore. I'll dig through it more when I can, maybe I'll come up with something profound!


Monday, May 12, 2008

i like the way that lights will dance at night.

I used to really like taking pictures of lights at night. I remember driving to band practice, when we first started the band. I would just stick the camera out the window while Tristan drove and click away. It's nothing too profound...but its a start. I also think that its time I upgraded to a better digital camera... or I could pull out mom's old 35mm. I don't think I've done that since photo class in high school.

Bed time...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Are we really happy with who we are right now?

Relationships fail because we forget to tend to them. They become comfortable. So comfortable that we begin to take their existence for granted. There used to be a person in my life who meant more to me than anything else in this world. A lot has changed since then... and with that change has come the conclusion that if I could have the chance to do things over again, I would do something new every single day to show her how much I loved her. Something new, every day. Brand new.

Apply that to your relationships... Do you take them for granted?

Now apply that to your life.

That is the basis for this blog, in a roundabout kind of way. Everyday. One post. One challenge. The challenge to capture a moment, to capture or share an idea, to create, to imagine, and to inspire. Something new and fresh everyday. And with each day...the willingness to share it with you.

My plan is to use this as a space to document new experiences, to showcase creative exploits, and to share ideas and thoughts that I may have. This is for me... but this is for you too. I hope to keep this space free of rants and raves - unless of course I feel that those rants and raves are of a useful nature. I don't want to write about how bad my week was, nor do I wish to use this as a storage space for self loathing or self pity. This is a place for solutions and inspiration.

Now...where to start...