Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My life in England, so far...

Our most recent trip was over to Wales for the weekend. Karly, a friend whom I used to work with, has also relocated to England. After meeting them for dinner one Thursday night, we made plans to rent a car with her and her husband Shaun - and spend the weekend road tripping around Wales. There is a bakery called Gregg's over here, which makes me smile each time I see it - but, what I saw at Gregg's in Cardiff, Wales was just a little bit too strange...

Sunday, November 15, 2009
I have yet to post anything on here, partially due to lack of time and accessability... but mostly because I didn't want to spend too much time writing about my adventures, leaving more time to get into new ones.
I have uploaded a few of my photos, but I don't have any of the right programs to really go to work on them all... nor can I really do much touching up.
I tried hard on this trip to capture real moments, more than the ever so cliche 'tourist' ones - therefor, rarely are Lou and I in the pictures. I just kind of walked around snapping anything that seemed interesting...
(Monkey business - Kyoto, Japan)
(Angkor Thom - Siem Reap, Cambodia)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Goodbye. For now...
I leave in 14 hours - and though I have a lot of loose ends that still need tying - the reality has yet to really hit me.
It has been a long time since an update on here. Maybe I got a little lazy. Or maybe just busy. Or maybe both. I guess I phase in and out of periods of productivity and motivation. Though, I think it is safe to say that motivation and productivity will have to be on my side for the next while. I hope they are at least.
I will be keep a journal, each day hopefully. And I will do my best to update on here when I can with any worthwhile stories or photographs.
To anyone who might read this - if I didn't see you before I left, I apologize. It does not mean I will miss you any less.
See you in a year, or three...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Goals for the week...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Yes Man!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Failed... kinda.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The test...
I will update tomorrow. Pre-work. Post-swim?
We will see...
It's a girl!
Friday, April 17, 2009
How I plan to change the world...
Maybe both?
Anyway. Some notes about the past week and a half...
- I purchased a gym/pool pass... weird right? Great deal though - and with that in hand, I have been swimming regularly for the past month or so - 4 to 5 times each week. And in swimming before work - I am slowly becoming more of a morning person, which is cool too - or, maybe not cool - it's just a change for me, and I welcome change with open arms these days. I want to start working in gym days - but I'll need a bit of guidance there, as me and weight lifting don't know each other too well...
- Lou and I went snowshoeing on Monday. Awesome! Not awesome is the fact that the mountains are closed now...
- I have decided to write a book. This is something I have thought about for a while - years maybe. I have never really given it some serious thought though, and I plan to change that. I don't know what kind of book I will write - but I know I have a lot of ideas and I am hoping that I can take the idea behind this blog and adapt it somewhat. A collection of ideas aimed at inspiring people to change the way they think and live. Not that I have the answers to everything, I just think I have taught myself to have a pretty good and positive outlook on life, and more people might benefit from something like that... I'll do my best to keep this up to date with the progress - but keep in mind that this is not something that I intend to do soon. Either way, I will keep you posted.
For anyone who reads this and has 2 hours and $12 dollars to spare - go see 'One Week' - great movie, amazing ideas, lots of inspiration. And on a similar note - rent 'Heartlands' - or buy it, as it may be hard to find at a video store.
My Homework:
I have been considering an idea for a few weeks now - where I would do something each day that is of no immediate benefit to myself, but that might help someone else - ideally a stranger. I know that this might sound strange - and that I might provoke some indifferent reactions to the random acts of kindness - but I think the world needs more of that. Maybe I will buy someone a flower. Or a sandwich. Or maybe I will wait extra long to hold the door for someone. I just know that I want each act to be independent of the others, and I want it to be spontaneous, not planned at all.
I can recall a time when I was young, and I was at the corner store buying candy after school. There I witnessed a lady who was told she owed 12 dollars in late fee's on her video rental - and upon hearing this, she began to cry. Clearly, she wasn't upset about the video rental or the fact that she couldn't afford to pay the late fee, or about the fact that she didn't even have time to watch to movie, which came out between sobs... it was something far more real than that. Looking back, I wish that at that in that moment, I would have offered to pay the fine for her. Maybe it wouldn't have done anything. But maybe that small and seemingly insignificant interaction could have made things better for her somehow...
See, we can never be sure how our actions will effect the people around us. We can assume though, that positive actions will be rewarded by the same - and at some point in time, that positive energy will come back to us. Call it karma, or 'paying it forward', or whatever else you like - and believe that it is real, because it is...
Monday, April 6, 2009
When you're sitting in the Strawberry Swing...
I didn't plan on it, but presented with the opportunity to take Friday off as well, I did so, and gladly I might add.
I wasted my Friday, in one sense... being that I did almost nothing. But - I needed that I think. A day to rest my brain, and update my iPod - which was much needed also...
I have been sick all week, mildly though. Still trying to shake it off, so the extra day to rest helped hopefully.
We've finished up the first level of our Lindy Hop lessons. Now, onto 'Advanced Beginner'. It feels like we are actually dancing now...almost! It's kind of funny - looking back a year, or two or three... I don't think I would have ever imagined myself in swing lessons, much less enjoying it! Life changes a lot, and quickly sometimes...
I spent a lot of time this weekend thinking about how spoiled the world has become. I guess my pal Louis CK prompted a lot of this introspection... but he is so right in the things he says in the video I've posted below. As a group of people, we (human kind) are fucking shitty. We are disrespectful and ignorant. We do what we want, and we give little thought to what effects it will have. And all the while, we take for granted how amazing our world is. I am hesitant to elaborate. Partly because I'm not sure I have the words in my sleepy state, and partially because I don't want to sound too preachy. But shit - we need to stop being so ridiculous. The world we live in is pretty amazing, even when considering the simplicities. The ability for trees to bloom in the spring. Think about that shit for a while. It's amazing really...
I won't get too far into the rant right now, because I can feel it coming off as a negative thing. But really, I am just pushing myself to appreciate and enjoy things more. And I think that in doing so, I am noticing more how ignorant and shitty some people can be. Nobody in particular really, just people in general...
So. I don't know. Take a minute to enjoy the world. Each day if you can. Just stop and find enjoyment in something you can see or hear. Find inspiration in something simple - something that you pass by each day, but don't take the time to notice or appreciate. I think that if we could all do this, things in the world might just begin to fall into place a little easier...

Friday, April 3, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
One Year - No Booze - It's Official...
It's kind of funny when you don't drink. Sometimes people are surprised. Sometimes people are almost insulted. I wonder how it came to that? When declining an offer to drink has the ability to piss someone else off - make their entire night less enjoyable even. Strange times we are living in... strange times.
Anyway - I guess I can sum the whole thing up with 2 main points which should hopefully provide sufficient insight into the reasoning behind my choice to eliminate 'the drink' from my life - at least for a while...
One - The majority of the things in my life that have caused me feelings of affliction, have been a result of alcohol. I wouldn't go back and change any of those happenings, for, it is those things that have really helped to shape the person I am today.. We make mistakes now and again, some worse than others, but, the hope is that we will learn from these mistakes. Whether they are mistakes that we have had to face head on, or ones that we can sort of sweep under the rug, so to speak, we still have to face them, some way or another. I just came to realize that I had done things that way for long enough - and I needed a break. A period of true clarity in my life...
Two - I was beginning to realize that when I went out drinking, I generally did the same thing. Over and over. In the end, it just was not fun anymore. And really, what is fun about going out to a loud place where you don't know anyone; where you can't sit comfortably or hear your friends talk; where, more than likely, some douche will give you that, 'I am going to try to fight you at some point tonight' kind of look - whether he tries or not is a different story I suppose. And on top of all this, your night will likely end with you spending way more money than you can afford to, all by the magic of a small plastic card you keep ever so conveniently in your wallet, for nights 'just like these'. And then you lose your friends during your exit from the bar, only to be left downtown alone, with a dead cell phone, and no other means of contacting anyone - so you wander around until you find a bus stop, where, during your wait for a bus that is not coming, a homeless woman offers to pleasure you orally in the nearby alley way. Following your decline of said homeless woman's offer, you realize that your bus is not coming, nor would it even take you remotely close to home if it were coming, and you manage to wave a cab down, whose driver feels sorry enough for you to drive you home. A $40 dollar cab ride later, and you are walking the 2 blocks to your house, vomiting at 20 foot intervals in the middle of the road - all because you were too drunk to realize that you weren't actually at your house when you told the cab driver to stop and let you out.
And then you spend the next day feelings like shit.
Sounds fun right?
Well, that explains it... And I think more people could use a break really - because I don't think I am the only person who can relate to those two aforementioned statements... That's not to say that I think everyone should stop drinking, or that drinking is a bad thing per se... I just think that more people could benefit from a little time spent in the clear, ya know? Some time spent without distraction, or regret, or embarrassment, or hangovers - some time to figure out who you really are, and who you really want to be. I can say without a doubt that I have experienced more personal growth, on so many different levels, than ever before in the last year of my life. And some of the changes I made have lead me to great things. To new jobs and back old jobs. To financial stability (investments, and RRSP's, and money to burn!). To better health. To organization. From travel aspirations, to booked flights. And to the best girl in the world, who I found on a mountain top... actually.
So try it. Or don't. You decide...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Public swimming = too much old man penis...
Lou and I swam again tonight. It was good times... mostly. I have concluded however, that you see too much old man penis at public pools. It's unavoidable! In the past two weeks, I have witnessed men moisturizing their junk more than once, and several questionable drying techniques - including fanning with the towel, and the always horrible standing on the bench to dry your shit while its at every one's eye level. Not good times at all.
Goal for the week: hit the pool 3 times while minimizing the amount of old man penis seen.
This past week and weekend went pretty well too. Work was a little tough at times, but the week ended, just like every week does... And I guess a tough week at work is nothing to get bent out of shape about. It's work. It's not always supposed to be easy. Right?
We got a lot done this weekend too! I was able to do a lot of clean-up and what not with my morning off on Friday - so that made the weekend's start a little less pressured, which in turn made for a ridiculous amount of sleep. I'd say it was needed though... Picked up our 'Coldplay' tickets too.
There is something about holding the tickets in your hand that makes the idea of seeing a great band a little more exciting!
At it's most exciting moment, this weekend had me aiding a man who had fallen at 'Montmartre' - a little french place that has awesome Chai on Main Street. Upon realizing that nobody else was going to do much - I tried my best to help - though I became instantly aware that my first aid skills are in need of brushing up. Turns out the guy was just pissed, and fell down drunk - but I wasn't sure of that, and I guess you can never be too careful. After keeping him comfortable, and seeing him off to the ambulance, we made our exit. Back at home, Robbie, Meaghan, Lou and I capped off the night with a pretty sweet game of 'Scene It'. The girls won, but the race was a tight one!
In other news - I am nearing a full year of complete sobriety. I'm not sure why this feels like a blog-worthy mention - I guess though, this has been the most substantial challenge I have faced over the last year. Not in terms of difficulty really, just in the sense that I was a big change, and the one that was perhaps most often questioned and scrutinized by those around me... I don't think I intend to continue with it completely - but I think that, overall, it was a good challenge for me. In an effort to remain as open minded on my world travels though, I don't really want to close the window of opportunity to sample some good wines in Italy, or enjoy a cold one with Lou's dad. I wasn't a heavy drinker or anything - I guess drinking just wasn't very fun anymore. Which in turn had me questioning why I continued to go out and get pissed like my friend at 'Montmartre' - though I can say honestly that my drinking habits only once landed me in a hospital... with a broken hand - but that, my friends, is a blog topic of its own...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Oh yeah...

I am on a journey with the hope that I will find myself someplace better - as a greater person than I am today...